Wednesday, April 03, 2013

More Motivation than Procrastination

I hope those of you who have read Bound by Blood have enjoyed it. I've heard from a few people on the things I did and the things I didn't do in it. I've answered back as best I could. We're only halfway through, and I hope the whole story makes sense as we go. I'd sure love to hear more voices, so please leave a review on Amazon or Barnes and Noble or send me an email..

To celebrate being halfway done, I ordered charms made from my book covers over on Etsy from Sophie's Beads. I love them so much. Miniatures are my weakness. Here's a picture of the bracelet I made to commemorate the entire series.

I had an extra set of cover charms made to use as a giveaway once the final book is ready to be published. If you look close you'll be able to see the covers of the last two books and possibly some clues on what is coming next.

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